The Coffee With Conscience Concert Series is located in Westfield, NJ. Performances benefit local Northern NJ charities.
Marc Black has not yet performed for Coffee With Conscience, but this song was inspired by The Fair Trade Coffee Company’s Roastmaster Ahrre!
Marc Black’s songs hold up a mirror to his audience. A mirror that gets under their skin and somehow makes them feel good about what they see. As Phil Demetrion, a music reviewer from Paris recently put it, “From the 70’s right down to the present day, Marc Black’s chant-based songs and improvisational rave-ups have kept dancing souls movin’ and groovin’. One might say that his live gigs presaged today’s ‘jam band’ scene.” He has recorded and performed live in many formats, from improvisational rock, to ambient experimental performance art, from solo acoustic guitar, to exotic compositions for tuba and vocal choirs.
He’s been involved in a recording project with Warren Bernhardt, Steve Gadd, Art Garfunkel, John Sebastian and the Dixie Hummingbirds, entitled ‘Stroke of Genius’. The songs are based on the poetry of a Dan Mountain, a friend of Marc’s, who had a stroke and was in a coma for 21 days. He miraculously woke up after his doctors had pulled life support!